Participants have been asked to attempt to stay within a social assistance benefits’ budget. The challenger’s budget of $63 for five days includes all food and drink, entertainment, some personal supplies and transportation costs. Each participant will be given a daily challenge card, which will reveal an additional challenge to be completed before the end of each day. The challenge takes place February 10th until February 15th, 2019.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Day four

Today was a busy one. It’s report card time and I didn’t get home until 9:30. My challenge today was that my daughter needed pencil crayons for school. How would I get them? It was too late to head to dollarama and my solution is to write a note to the teacher asking if my daughter could borrow some tomorrow until I was able to make it to the store to purchase them.

Our school has a fantastic breakfast and lunch program that many of our students access on a daily basis. Our Four Directions Program provides nutrition for our students as well. I have always been grateful for our community partners who provide us the grants but this week I have realized that we couldn’t function without them. Many of our families struggle to keep their fridges as cupboards full.

Students cannot be open to learning when they are hungry. Food plays such a critical role. Today our foods academy students  went to classes to offer broccoli and dip and mini oranges. It’s available to everyone - Staff and students alike. I feel that this sharing brings us closer together somehow. A huge thank you to all in our community who give their time and resources to eliminate hunger.

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Day 5

My final challenge is that I lost my hairbrush. A little finger comb and blow dry it is. This experience has been very humbling. There is gr...