Participants have been asked to attempt to stay within a social assistance benefits’ budget. The challenger’s budget of $63 for five days includes all food and drink, entertainment, some personal supplies and transportation costs. Each participant will be given a daily challenge card, which will reveal an additional challenge to be completed before the end of each day. The challenge takes place February 10th until February 15th, 2019.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Day one

Good Morning! For those of you who know me, you know that I love strong coffee with cream. I’ll forgo it if this version isn’t available. I went shopping yesterday and spent just over half of my budget and guess what? I couldn’t afford the cream. I did find coffee on sale but I heavily contemplated  the purchase. I didn’t buy sugar so coffee with milk it was.

My family had a breakfast of hash browns, eggs, toast and orange juice. I had toast with peanut butter and water. My son is very cognizant of the challenge and offers constant reminders about what I’m able to afford. Even though he isn’t a participant, I’m happy that my experience will have an impact on him.

My daily challenge was that a toilet flood ruined most of my clothes and I don’t have the money for laundry. I’m to spend the day in my most well-worn clothing. I still haven’t figured out how I’m going to afford to do my laundry for the next 5 days.....

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning!
    Today required some planning as I am in the city at the orthodontist with my daughter. I packed a peanut butter sandwich, granola bar and a couple of apples. We usually go out for lunch.

    My family had a discussion last evening about the housing shortage in Kenora. There are very few apartments available and those that are tend to be taken quickly. Usually the apartment or house is posted on social media but what if a person doesn’t have access to social media? The subsidized housing application process itself looks daunting and may be a deterrent to some.

    My challenge today was that our smoke alarm needed new batteries. Truthfully I was tempted to do the usual and steal them from the remote. Thankfully I have 26.75 left for the week and will be able to pick them up today.

    I’ve come to terms with this being a week of meatless meals as I can’t afford the protein. Once I purchase my batteries I’ll likely be left with $20.00 and this is causing me some anxiety.

    I was also thinking about socializing and how some of it revolves around money (going for a coffee with a friend became coming to my home for one). My goal this week is to research free events for families in our community.
    Have a great day!


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Day 5

My final challenge is that I lost my hairbrush. A little finger comb and blow dry it is. This experience has been very humbling. There is gr...